Глава I — Значение духовного в наше время
Baiba, tell us, why
does a person need
self-development practices?
Baiba, tell us, why does a person need
self-development practices?
Since the modern worldoffers medicine,psychology, and religion
A human being
is such a complex form of life, that it requires a comprehensive approach
Each individual discipline solves issues within its own area only
Not everything can be fixed by medicine, which has explored only 10% of human nature
and has never supported the existence of seven chakras and seven energy bodies.
As well as not everything can be fixed by psychology, one of the youngest fields of study.
People develop faster than psychology updates its theories of help.

Not everyone wants to spend the entirety of their lives in the psychologist’s office trying to solve problems that only keep piling up day by day.
Religion helps some on their spiritual journey, although it cannot resolve issues with health, relationships, and finances.
You can live in a monastery and fill your life with faith and prayers. But relying on God to pay your bills is shifting the responsibility for something you have to take care of yourself.
What kind of result
can a person achieve
with your help?
A spiritual master gives people what they come for and even something they don’t realize they need
Everyone has their own goals.
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Some strive for successful careers, profitable business, and financial growth.
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Others aim to improve their health or energy levels and overcome fear, pain, anxiety, addictions.
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There are people who seek a more positive attitude towards life, a loving partner, or a chance to have a child.
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For some, the practice is a way to connect with their soul, God, invisible helpers and reach inner harmony and happiness.

the final result depends solely on the person

a self-made
Baiba was born
in a family of hereditary healers
As she grew older, she found her way into spiritual mentoring and established the center of PREMIUM self-development VEDMIR
Baiba combines the gift of healing and five qualified specialists:
{ 01 }
Vedic Astrologer
{ 02 }
Reiki Master-Teacher
{ 03 }
Vastu Shastra consultant
{ 04 }
Yoga and Meditation coach
{ 05 }
Clinical hypnotherapist
20+ years
invested in the study of ancient knowledge and practices
Baiba is a rare case of natural talent meeting high-quality education and personal experience.
40+ years old
70% of Baiba's students are between the ages of 40 and 73
80+ countries
the geography of students whose self-development has no boundaries
a self-made woman
Baiba was born
in a family of hereditary healers
As she grew older, she found her way into spiritual mentoring and established the center of PREMIUM self-development VEDMIR
Baiba combines the gift
of healing and five qualified specialists:
{ 01 }
Vedic Astrologer
{ 02 }
Reiki Master-Teacher
{ 03 }
Vastu Shastra consultant
{ 04 }
Yoga and Meditation coach
{ 05 }
Clinical hypnotherapist
Baiba is a rare case of natural talent meeting high-quality education 
and personal experience.
20+ years
invested in the study of ancient knowledge and practices
40+ years old
70% of Baiba's students are between the ages of 40 and 73
80+ countries
the geography of students whose
self-development has no boundaries
Baiba has made the journey that she teaches others
The Birth of a Spiritual master
A woman stands in the hospital and asks for help
She feels her baby could be born at any given moment,but cannot convince the medical staff she could give birth right there in the hallway...
“It's not time yet,” the doctors brush off and turn the woman back home…
A desperate woman opens the door of the first room she comes across, lies down on the bed and gives birth to a girl 
in just 10 seconds
The doctors, bothered by noises, ran into the room, reprimanded the woman for staining the hospital bed,and forced her to go to the operating room.
While trying to get up, the woman lost consciousness and did not come to her senses for the next three days
No one knows who has been taking care of the baby all this time
When the woman finally came to her senses, she saw a completely different child by her side — a boy.
She confidently claimed her baby had been switched, but the doctors decided she must have lost her mind.
However, later, that very girl, born unexpectedly, as if at the dictates of fate, was found and returned to her family.
that is how Baiba Sturite took everything into her own hands since the first day on earth
Nothing has changed to this day
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