Глава I — Значение духовного в наше время
How has accepting the great mission
of helping people and the ancestral gift
affected your life?
How has accepting the
great mission of helping
people and the ancestral gift
affected your life?
lifehas changed drastically
Any worldly power or spiritual mission is a great responsibility
I had to learn to hold myself together:
physically, emotionally, mentally.
I don't say a single word carelessly and control my energy carefully
The mistakes of others will not have consequences, 
while mine will.There's too much at stake.
Why do people turn to you
in the first place?
Why do people
turn to you
in the first place?
People say I'm trustworthy. They call me an expert in the field from the first meeting.
I don't lie, pretend, or gloss over the unpleasant truth.
I’m willing to do a lot for those who are ready to find outwho they really are
I'm not afraid to look into dark corners of the mind and help to “clean” them up.It can take me only 15 minutes to sort the chaos of thoughts out and help people understand themselves.
That said, I never promise a specific resultA lot depends on the efforts of the person
97% of people are unhappy because they are not living their lives. They epitomize the conflict between how they would like life to be and what it actually is. Finding yourself isa lifelong challenge. But I know that
everything will changeonce you start winning your inner war.
And that's exactly what I teach — how to win!
Political choice
The pandemic and subsequent restrictions of 2020 have heated up the situation in Latvia.
Baiba did not want to sit idly by and watch from the sidelines as the current government continued to infringe on human rights, split society on the basis of nationality, and prevent any development of Latvia as a country.

Over twenty years ago, her grandmother had never complained about life under the Soviet Union. Back then, life was modest, but they had enough of everything they needed. Her ancestors fought for independence, but as a result, with the establishment of the EU, they got “freedom”, which turned out to be worse than prison.
In the atmosphere of widespread fear and pressure during the pandemic,
Baiba felt like a prisoner trapped within the walls of her own home.
The police would personally visit those who had to be quarantined.
While the politicians continued to feast during the plague, as if laws were written or “ordinary” people only.
Information — psychological
with fear-mongering, suppression of will, death statistics and the daily display of coffins on the news has done its job.People ran to get vaccinated.

At this time, Baiba enrolled in hypnotherapy school to understand the methods the media uses to program people and their future actions in high-stress situations.
If you want to see everything a woman is capable of, forbid her from doing what she wants to do.
One morning, a voice in Baiba's head arose again, directing her to participate in the upcoming elections. Only once, in 2016, did the voice mention anything about politics. At the time, it said that
Baiba should become president of Latvia
but she did not even meet the age requirement. So the idea just seemed like a fluke.
But things were different now — Parliamentary elections were about to begin.
Baiba had only four months to prepare. She had to compete with those who have been in politicsall their lives.
However, persistence, determination, and confidence helped her pass a tough selection process and geton the list of 115 candidates for deputy.
Baiba fell 533 votes
short of being elected, but she did a decent job offinishing 8th out of 39
candidates in Riga District from the party in which she ran.Only three people have beaten Baiba in the race for the parliamentary seat.
Being a leader, making bold decisions, and taking action are Baiba's hallmarks.
Immediately after the election, she left the party and returned to her life's work.
Have you ever taken
a wrong path?
Have you ever taken
a wrong path?
Looking back, I realize that I can't call my past decisions a mistake.
Of course, I had periods of despair, when nothing worked for years, but some force still moved me forward, so I never stopped.
For me, there's never been anything worse than the thought of things staying the same
I never stand still. I am constantly evolving and moving forward.
I often made mistakes that made my journey longer and more complicated, but that never defeated my primary purpose.
What is your life's mission?
To serve God and my masters. To help them in their global work.
To share their messages to those who want to save their souls during Armageddon.
I will continue to translate ancient Vedic knowledge into modern language and preserve it in my books and lectures as a legacy for future generations.
I also had a dream of building my own ashram in a picturesque place in India or another country
so that anyone, regardless of race, faith, and beliefs, can come there to relax, recover body and soul, meet like-minded people, find answers to pressing questions, meditate, and enjoy the silence of inner happiness.
When my mission is fulfilled,
with a sense of accomplishment, I can finish my last incarnation and return home
to the Father.
Worked on the project:
Art Director
Elena Bobina
Maria Ischenko
Chief Editor
Nastya bobrovskaya
Project managers
Kristina Tkachenko
Stanislav Grinin
Chief Designer
Nastya Kosatkina
Polina Kondratieva
Alyona Ilina
Victoria Volkova
Olesya Diderman
Ulyana Drozdova
Natalia Makhlonova
Webflow specialist
Daria lobanova