Глава I — Значение духовного в наше время
Which practices
are potentially
 and psyche?
I have always been and still am
a skeptic
I check and double-check everything personally.
People tend to try all kinds of things they can find on the self-development market. Not everyone has 20 years to see what works and what is not even worth trying.
It's time to use your head and resist mass trends. The right path will be the narrow one, not the one that millions have walked.
| hot yoga and headstand |
| kundalini-boosting practices |
astral travel
| communication with astral entities | | card reading | black magic | | spirit summoning rituals | | group spiritual séance |
| magical rituals attracting finances, relationships, and other benefits |
| some cleansing and fasting practices || practices of rebirth and burying in the ground |
| energetic connection to people and human manipulation || being in total darkness for a long time | | reliving the traumatic situation | | forced practice of lucid dreaming || taking hallucinogenic potions and mushrooms... |
Generally, People are   masochists, they like to suffer
I help people find problems and solve them. I help people get rid of anything that causes them pain.
Get effective assistance
Baiba is the founder of the PREMIUM self-development center VEDMIR for Russian speaking disciples. It is based only on proven, efficient practices that bring results and do not traumatize the psyche.
Health, finances, relationships, and spiritual growth —transform your life and be happy!
Can esotericism be considered a science?
Can esotericism be
considered a science?
Esotericism is a body of knowledge that helps deepen the understanding  of universal laws and find your place in this global order.
Esotericism believes that all resources are concentrated inside the human being.
At their core, esotericism and science are different concepts.
Science, on the other hand, tries to explain phenomena externally, 
to prove laws with the help of outer factors and forces.
There are areas where science and the evidence base need to be applied, such as medicine.
As far as the inner world is concerned, science is powerless to date.
How does one decide to take the risk of changing their life
without facing condemnation from loved ones?
How does one decide to take
the risk of changing
their life without facing
condemnation from loved ones?
It's not change you should be afraid of, it's that everything will stay the same.
Only those who have achieved nothing in life judge others.Those closest to you are often not the people to turn to for support. They can be like rocks that pull you down rather than wings that allow you to fly.
I, too, was once criticized, called weird, and ridiculed. But when I made my first million on the knowledge that some thought was nonsense, for some reason everyone stopped laughing in my face.
I used to know people who tried to stop me, explaining the reasons for my inevitable failure. The key word here is «used to».
Now I no longer keep around those who don't believe in me or support me.
My only regret in life is that I wasted my time on people who weren't worthy of it.
To get rid of the fear of failure, you have to make more mistakes
By the hundredth time, you won't care about it at all, and you'll be able to focus on your goal.There is always the risk of dying before beginning to live the life you’ve always wanted. Let that worry you more than the actual choice.
new horizonsof opportunity
On May 23, 2018, Baiba launched a Russian YouTube channel
A person who did not even like to show her photos, let alone record herself, created a Russian YouTube channel. Prior to that moment, she was teaching only in her native Latvian language.
According to Baiba,
That day she heard a voice
that had told her what to do many times before. Hence, she just did what was required of her, even though she had never made a video up to that point.
But the effort paid off:
The channel began gaining subscribers rapidly
With a new line of work,
There was not that much time left for counseling
Because of the high demand, the cost of Baiba's personal counseling has risen from double digits to four and five digits in euros over the years.
Since 2024, only a limited number of VIP clients per year may sign up for mentoring or counseling.
Due to numerous requests from followers,
Baiba decided to open an online school in the summer of 2019
Even though running her own business was never in her plans.
She quit her day job and, right before the global lockdown, launched her first astrology course,  280 students signed up.
Simultaneously, Baiba began writing two books in Russian
One of which, Karmic Code of Destiny, received the "For the Benefit of the World" award at a significant Russian literary contest in 2019
At the same time,
A loved one passed away...
The person who has devoted most of her life to taking care of Baiba — her grandmother.
Baiba turned out to be prepared for the loss, as the voice in her head had already informed her about the grandmother's passing more than once. On the day they saw each other for the last time, a voice suggested taking one last picture of Grandma. It whispered that Baiba and her grandmother would not see each other again. So it happened. Eight days later, her soul left her earthly incarnation.
It is not the first generation that Baiba's family has dedicated their lives to people
Baiba’s great-great-grandmother and great-grandmother were famous healers and herbalists of Latgale.
Many help-seekers were lining up at the family home.
At one time, her great-great-grandmother even healed the president of Latvia.
The President was a frequent guest at their home, as another relative, Vladislavs Rubulis, was Latvia's Minister of Welfare and a trained pharmacist.
He held three Orders of the Three Stars, Latvia's highest awardsfor meritorious service to the country and assistance to war victims.
Vladislavs Rubulis
Grandpa Janis
(born in 1938)
Baiba's grandfather is most likely the reincarnationof Vladislavs Rubulis
as he was born a year after his death and looks a lot like him.

In his lifetime, the grandfather learned and fully mastered more than 25 professions.
Baiba's mom has the gift of healing as well.
Once, she removed a fourth-degree burn from her hand in just two weeks.
5th generation of healers
in the family tree since 1885
Thus, from generation to generation, the ancestral gift was passed on to little Baiba, who had dreamed of helping people from a young age.
Baiba has developed over 20 superpowers that make helping people even more effective
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