Глава I — Значение духовного в наше время
What is the inner
strength of a person?
To be true to yourself and your principles
To me, the inner strength lies in understanding my weaknesses and skillfully
applying my advantages
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Going forward despite fear and obstacles
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Toughening up instead of giving up in the face of problems
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Not kneeling before anybody
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Staying true to yourself and your principles
Even under the pressure of circumstances, when the back breaks and the hands fall off,
trusting in GOD, who has big plans for you
From birth,everyone has their owninner power,
which manifests and develops through trials, hardships, and what peoplecall a difficult fate
When someone does not believe
in their power yet,

others can still feel their energy.
When someone does not
believe in their power yet,
others can still feel
their energy.
For instance,
When someone's life changes dramatically after meeting a powerful person.
When a conversation or meeting with such a person calms people down, helps them find a solution to problems,on their own, and heals them from physical illnesses unexpectedly.
Sometimes people may cry or feel the vibration of energy throughout their body
while meeting or just looking at a person, even through a screen.
A person with strong energy can even awaken hostility and hatred in some people.
As if they are meeting their death face to face.
This usually happens when a lot of negative energy has accumulated  in a person and they can’t tell black from white anymore.
If a person is knowingly negative towards the possessor of power,they can face great troubles:from loss of money and health
to accidents and even
lethal outcome.
In any case,
Strong people usually arouse a vivid reaction in others
positiveor sharply negative.
Few people remain indifferent.


What do people not know when wanting
to discover their superpowers?
What do people not know
when wanting to discover their  
That they should not be discovered by force.
Superpowers are revealed when a person is ready.
This is a natural process: as a person develops, so do their powers.
If a person participates in special energy practices, eats magic mushrooms, or drinks some shamanic potionsto activate their superpowers, then their psyche may not handle it.
A person can go crazy or even die prematurely.
Can we start a family,
построить успешную карьеру
build a successful career, or travel the world
to find the meaning of life?
Can we start a family,
построить успешную карьеру
build a successful career,
or travel the world
to find the meaning of life?
These are not the meaning of life, but just nice
What happens if a person doesn't have them?
Is this really the end of their life? Do they lose
the chance of finding the meaning of life?
of course  not.
and sex are only 20% of life.
But if you choose the wrong partner, you can lose 100% of your life. It's better to be alone than with just anyone.
Eastern philosophy teaches usto find happiness within ourselves.
If a person bases their purpose and happinesson external pleasures, then they will notleave the Wheel of Samsara.
But if their meaning of life is within themselves, the external meaning will already be on a completely different level.
Attempting to liveby someone else's choice
With her thirtieth birthday approaching, Baiba had a strong desire
to start a family.
It seemed to be the missing piece of happiness.
With the goal in mind, she met love and turned her plans into reality.
But happy ever after did not happen.
Married life did not make Baiba more joyful,
but rather the opposite.
It became clear that it is not in the externalthat one should seek harmony.
The truth is,
From an early age, Baiba did not want to marry and share a life withanother person.
She sincerely did not understand why people give their all to relationships and children while losing who they are.The prospect of marriage only  filled the young woman withfear.
Baiba tried to live like most people: family, cooking, cleaning... This was the first and last timeshe tried to conform to theunspoken norms of society.
Baiba chose to channel all her energy into self-development and learning.
At that time, she wrote a thesis on astrology and received a certificate as an esoteric astrologer.
Many men expect a woman to be
A good mother, an obedient maid, a neat cleaner, a reliable friend, an experienced prostitute, anda saint
who loves him exclusively, does not cheat, and waits for him at home with an elaborate dinner. I can offer only two of nine demands.
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